Creativity brought to life. That’s what Dynamic’s trade show services offer. From pre-show planning through post-show cleanup, we have you covered. Our management team brings excellence in performance and experience to your event. So let your vision be our guide as we provide our all-encompassing trade show services and create a truly awe-inspiring event.
A trade show event is successful only when each individual element is carefully planned and executed. Dynamic understands that in addition to the physical exhibit, either rented or customized, a number of other trade show services need to be put into place for complete success. Our comprehensive trade show services provide total supervision and management of your event from start to finish. As a one-stop-shop we take care of everything from pre-planning, to show logistics, to refurbishment and storage. And, once the show is over we can provide you with post show evaluation that makes your next event an even better success.
239 Old New Brunswick Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 732-465-1080
Fax: 732-465-1081